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We would really appreciate all who can, to attend to show South Hobart community support and to establish a presence at the hearing. Everyone is welcome, please invite your friends and family.

The Resource Management & Planning Appeals Tribunal will decide the future of the proposed "Old Tannery Apartments" an excessively large & inappropriate, 2 storey, 24 unit residential development. Traffic engineers predict the new Tannery Apartments would generate a 200% increase to traffic in the very narrow ‘No Through Road’ that is Wynyard Street.


Appeal Tribunal to commence 10am, Tuesday 7th February 2017

(4 days set aside) at Level 6, 144 Macquarie Street, Hobart

The Christmas raffle for the SOS appeal was drawn at 2:30 pm today by Terry Carless at the South Hobart Butcher and the winners are...


1st. Heather Andrews - Rick Cubit (Sandy Bay Plumbing)
2nd. Craig and Wendy - Prosser Holiday Units Orford
3rd. Maggie Kudelka - Le Provencal Dinner for 2
4th. Kristyn Harman - Smitten Scarf
5th. Alison Faber - Beneath the Mountain (Book) - Signed copy
6th. Florence Robinson - Live Life voucher
7th. Holly Greaves - Top Dog voucher
8th. Lee Prince - Chandlers Nursery voucher
9th. Rocky - Regent Street Meets voucher


Congratulations and thank you to everyone who donated prized and those who purchased tickets. Winners will be notified.

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